Wednesday, December 06, 2006
New Blogger Version

Friday, November 17, 2006
In former times...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Working time

Monday, November 13, 2006
The Date

One moment of weakness...

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Tired after all...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
rescue rangers
10 Minutes after reading the post in House’s Blog Chase, Foreman and I were sitting in Foreman’s car.
Our way leads us directly to Allenby’s home in Park Road 112.
We arrived there and left the car. “Sure, he isn’t at home?” I asked, seeing his car standing in front of the apartement.
“House said so...” Foreman answered and went upstairs to the frontdoor.
“Maybe he came back earlier?” Chase said and shivered a bit.
I looked on him with pity. The wound on his throat seems to heal slowly, but the memories of this night must be as hard as these from Wilson and House.
Foreman started to work on the door lock. We stood directly behind him and we heard a quiet “click” when the lock opened. “Yesss...” muttert Foreman and put his credit card and a back paper-clip in his pocket.
He grinned and opened the door trying to make no noise.
We entered the apartment and looked around. We couldn’t see anyone.
Foreman went ahead, Chase and I behind him.
We heard a voice coming out of the living room: “So what did you do with my lap?” That was Allenby, for sure.
We stopped.
Foreman showed us to be quiet, Chase and I nodded.
I could feel my heart beating like it would break my chest, standing here, waiting for an idea what we could do.
Now I wished we would have a machine-gun like House wrote.
Foreman glanced around the egde. “There he is,standing in front of House who is sitting on the sofa. I think they didn’t hear us!” he whispered.
Chase and I nodded.
My knees became weak. Was it because I was so afraid or was it something else? I shook my head. Cam, please, this isn’t the moment to think about things like that.
I noticed a light aroma of strawberrys and I rememberd Chase’s shampoo. I smiled a bit, when Foreman suddenly showed us to follow him.
He flited in the kitchen like a cat and we followed him.
Allenby was still talking to House, so they didn’t notice three shadows scurring over the living room’s door.
Foreman opened the cupboards one by one till he seemed to’ve found what he was looking for.
He pulled out three frypans.
We looked puzzled at him, but he just pressed them in our hands and went to the door. It was amazing how he did all this without making a single noise. If I had looked for the frypans, Allenby would had stood behind us within ten seconds because of all the noise that i would have made.
We sneaked back to the living room and glanced around the corner.
Chase was still shivering a bit and i just wished that this tachycardia would stop.
I clinched the grip of the frypan to have something to hold on to.
Allenby stood in the living room, still taking and moving in a strange way, I couln’d say if he had taken drugs or if he was just gone mad.
Fortunately he stood with his back next to us.
Foreman jumped around the edge and smashed down the frypan on Allenbys head.
Chase and I ran afterwards holding up our frys like swords.
We could hear a bad cracking sound when the fry hits the hjead and Allenby sank down on the ground.
As he lay there, he didn’t move anymore.
“Is he dead?” I whispered.
“Foreman looked at him. “No, he’s still breathing. But maybe he is cincussed now.” He shruged his shoulders.
Then we looked at House who was still sitting on the sofa. He looked puzzled between Allenby and us. “What...?”
“We said that we will come to rescue you!” I said and winked.
“Yeah...” he muttered and tried to stand up. He sank down on the sofa again. “Fuck...!”
“Your leg?” I asked and tried to help him up. Chase took his second arm and we brought him up on his feet.
“Yes... he threw away my Vicodin!” said House bitterly.
“Sorry, there was no time to get new ones.” Said Foreman and lift Allenby on the sofa.
“We should call the police.” Noticed Chase. He hold his Hand on his throat, there where Allenby had hit him.
I felt pity, he must felt very unconfotable here ins this House.
I really don’t want to know how House must felt the last hours.
“Do so!” I nodded. “I call Wilson!” with these words I pulled my mobile out of my jacket.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Be happy!

Fotos von Halloween

Halloween Teil 2
Halloween teil 1
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
The Next One
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Noch ein Test
Von den anderen hab ich heute noch nicht viel gesehen, Foreman und Chase kamen heute morgen kurz ins Büro, um sich Kaffee zu holen, bei sehen etwas müde aus. Ob ihnen das Zusammenwohnen vielleicht nicht so gut bekommt?
Monday, October 23, 2006
Besuch bei Wilson
Sunday, October 22, 2006

You are Dr. Allison Cameron! Its not your fault that you believe the best in people. You just want to help, and do the bet job you can in whatever situation you are in. You cant help it if everyone thinks youre the nicest doctor theyve ever had!
Und:,%20M.D%20pairing%20are%20you%3FHouse MD-Pairings. Leider funktioniert die ResultatSeite nicht, aber man kann anhand des Bilder-LInks (der leider auch nicht geht...) erkennen, welches Pairing man ist. Ich bin House/Cameron.
Das macht mir irgendwie Angst...woher kennen die Leute uns so gut???